
I’ve got a job interview just one hour from now. On Skype. In Romanian. What an experience, positive or negative, that will be. It’s for a position where I’d be providing English training to employees at large companies. My interviewer is in Bucharest, hence Skype, although my job (should I get and accept it) will be here in Timișoara. I don’t know whether the role would be full-time; I really don’t want to give up the work I’m doing now and my current totally un-corporate lifestyle. I’m bound to struggle a bit, even if the interview is scheduled to take only half an hour. I mean heck, interviews are hard enough in English. Perhaps the fact that I can speak even a basic level of Romanian will work in my favour. Perhaps not. My biggest minus, I’m guessing, will be my CV: a bunch of mostly unrelated jobs. How can I convince her of the truth, that English teaching and linguistics are my preferred long-term future?

When my ordeal is over, I’ll pack my bags ready to take the train to Alba Iulia, a town not too far from Sibiu with a famous star-shaped fortress. I’ll be staying two nights at (probably) a grotty hotel. But at least it’s cheap.

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