Pushing off…

I’ve got a couple of hours until I push off. It’s going to be a stinking hot day, both here and in Belgrade. They’re forecasting 37s and 38s. Tomorrow will be the same. I can see myself being holed up in my hotel room for the best part of the day.

After the Belgrade bit, the temperatures should plummet (yay!) and everything will be pretty damn awesome. I hope.

I do need a break. I haven’t had a proper one since Christmas. Last week (23 hours of lessons) things felt ever so slightly stale on the work front. Hours of Peppa Pig. Hours of Romgleză with that woman. Four hours with Matei in that café, where you either sit outside (hopefully in the shade) and be lost among layers of cigarette smoke, or inside where you’re confronted with the Solid Shit music channel on their TV and you can’t hear yourself think.

Timișoara’s centenary (as part of Romania) took place on 3rd August, and to mark the occasion they finally reopened Central Park, a lovely park that had been closed since May 2017, not long after I got here. God knows why it was closed for so long.

Timișoara celebrates its centenary
A new statue erected close to where I live. What’s it going to be?
The big reveal. It’s Maria, who was the Queen of Romania. This might be the city’s first statue of a woman.
Central Park
Central Park, with my apartment block in the background. The park is lined with sculptures of famous Timișoara men, but no women.
Let the games begin!

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