Didn’t think I’d do the flatmate thing again, but…

My potential new flatmate is about to come over. He’s the same age as my previous one (born in 1977) and about the same height, but that’s where the similarities end (I hope). He might not be here for long: he intends to go to the UK soon, probably before I embark on my adventure. Anything to get my mortgage down, even by a small amount, before I go away would be really helpful.

Here are some pictures of the big futon move at Makara last weekend. It was a beautiful day there:




And this was my attempt at making a crossword in Romanian:


ZVON was a word I’d just come across in an online article; it means “rumour”. COZI is the plural of coadă which means either a tail or a queue.

I think we’ve already had our hottest day of 2016 in Wellington. It got to 28 on New Year’s Day.

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