
I had a pretty shitty 48 hours from Tuesday afternoon to yesterday afternoon. Almost no energy. Fatigue. Extreme weakness. Clumsiness. Just how I often feel for a few hours after one of my sinus episodes (or maybe migraines), but worse and longer. I managed to work, but everything else was a write-off. Obviously my thoughts quickly turned to coronavirus, and Dad was scared witless when I told him my symptoms, but I could still smell and taste everything and had no sign of a fever. I’m still kind of mneh, but that’s a massive step up from yesterday.

This morning I went through Roald Dahl’s The Magic Finger with my latest (adult) student. I realised my Romanian is nowhere near good enough to instantly translate something like that into her native language, even if I know maybe 97% of the words. You can’t duck and dive like you sort of can with speaking, and my grammar and syntax just aren’t up to it.

In the UK they’re celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day, while many who remember that day are dying in nursing homes. In Romania we’re gearing up to come out of lockdown – this will be our last weekend. I’m a bit concerned – the cases and deaths haven’t skyrocketed as I feared, but this menace is hardly going away either.

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