A long week

I decided to blog again after all. With the holiday for Bob Marley Day it’s been a short week, but it hasn’t felt like one that’s for sure. The truth is that my flatmate isn’t too bad, but the pressure of always having someone there, and having to interact all the bloody time, can be overwhelming for me. Mealtimes are the worst. When we had the Risk night my flatmate left his phone here and came back the next day to pick it up. I thought, I wish I didn’t have to see him today, and then it hit me. In six days he’ll be here every day and every night. Oh fuck. At least he’s helping me (in a small way) to pay off my mortgage, but I have to wonder whether it’s worth it (no I don’t; it’s not).

After shifting to the small bedroom upstairs (on the same floor as the kitchen and living area) it almost feels like I’m camping, which can be fun for a couple of nights, but after a couple of hundred the novelty might wear off just a tad. I had no real choice though.

Suddenly we, in little old New Zealand, are all expected to understand the workings of the Iowa and New Hampshire caucuses or primaries or whatever they call them, and are even expected to know vaguely where Iowa and New Hampshire are, otherwise we can’t make conversation with any of the cool media-savvy people. Google “New Hampshire primary” and lots of numbers come up which supposedly mean something. I’m sure as recently as four years ago none of us needed to know any of this stuff. Life keeps getting more complicated.

Last night I met up with the very nice bloke I met up with in October, and other times in between. He said that back in October I was buzzing. I need to get back there again.

The marimba course started up again tonight; only three of us were there excluding the teacher, and they’d taken the amplifiers off so things were quieter than before. That defeats the object a bit. It’s a lovely sound though all the same, and hammering out tunes (or pieces, as the teacher calls them) was a nice way to escape.

The weather in Wellington is stunning at the moment. We’ve had a great summer. Tomorrow I think I’ll go to the beach.

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