Run down, but managing

I feel run down again. I will get this place to myself (I hope) at the end of May, but I can’t just count down the days. I actually have stuff to do before then.

The Ethiopian student I was supposed to be teaching got sick. He still wants to go ahead but doesn’t know when he can start. The organiser knew I was keen to get make a start, so I’ve now been assigned a Burmese refugee in his early thirties. My first session with him will be on Monday. Apparently that’s the only day of the week he can do, and to avoid delaying the start of the teaching (and possibly my move) by two weeks, I’m missing an important body corporate meeting where the earthquake strengthening will be discussed and voted on. Bugger. I’m also losing my voice when (unusually for me) I’m going to need it.

As I see it, after Super Tuesday II, Trump does now have one hand on the nomination. It was interesting watching the results come in, having been to three of the five states that voted, but just about everything is wrong with the process. There are still the best part of eight months until the election itself, and billions of dollars will be blown on the campaigns between now and then. What a waste.

Paul Daniels, the British magician, died yesterday. Most people in the office hadn’t heard of him, but he was on TV all the time when I was growing up. I even had a Paul Daniels magic set.

Tomorrow morning will be my ninth and final interclub outing this season; I’ll be sure to write a report later.

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