Club champs preview

We’ve got the tennis club champs this weekend. Tomorrow is the singles, and in the first round I’ve been drawn against the gay bloke I endured Batman vs Superman with. We’ve never played each other but he knows my game well. My fairly unorthodox game, combined with being left-handed, gives me an advantage in interclub (against people who don’t know me) that I won’t have tomorrow. I haven’t been hitting the ball well of late, and I’d say I’m the underdog in spite of my run of interclub wins. Last year I made the semi-finals of the singles. In round one my opponent didn’t show up until it was almost too late but made a good go of eating into my huge lead. I got there in the end. My next opponent was seeded third and in a different league to me but in the midst of a very protracted ninth game after I’d clawed his lead back to two, he said he was getting the aura from a migraine and pulled out. In the semis I was outclassed and lost 9-1. The format, just like this year, was the first to nine games, with a best-of-three-set final.

Several of my colleagues had interviews today for the new roles that have been created by the restructure. They were understandably stressed even though they would almost certainly keep their jobs whatever happened. I’m glad I didn’t have to go through that – my care factor would have been through the floor.

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