My first shot

I had my first Astra Zeneca jab this morning at eight (well it was half-eight when it actually went into my deltoid), and right now I’m feeling fine. I was a tad nervous, not because of the needle or any potential side effects from the vaccine, but because of all the admin and forms and other associated faff which tends to stress me out. After leaving home I realised I’d forgotten to fill in the declaration form (we’re still in lockdown, so you need that every time you go out the door) so I had to rush back for that. When I got there just before eight, a queue of 20 or so people had formed outside. Then we all piled in. Though their system worked well, they did a really bad job of ensuring that we didn’t ironically contract the virus moments before being vaccinated. Just ugh. I had to declare on a form that I was taking antidepressants, then as soon as I produced my passport they started speaking to me in English. I got things like “you move there”. Please speak Romanian, I said. The woman who gave me the jab seemed lovely. She said she’d worked in America. Then I sat around for 10 or 15 minutes before getting my certificate. Congratulations, you’re vaccinated. It’ll take three weeks before I get protection, then I go back for my second dose on 19th May.

Our lockdown has just been extended for a second time. It was due to end last Sunday, and on Saturday the local council voted not to extend it (or rather, they didn’t get enough of a majority to prolong it). But Bucharest stepped in and sanity prevailed: we got a three-day extension. Today they’ve confirmed that a further seven days will be added. I use the word lockdown, but it’s nothing like the lovely tranquillity of one year ago. We sometimes get a blissful lull in traffic, but most of the time there’s a steady flow. It is extremely quiet in the late evening though. In the meantime there have been anti-lockdown protests right in front of my window. Lots of noise and flag-waving, and on one occasion someone burned a mask, but the turnout has never got above 150. I do find the flag business weird. Show patriotism by letting your fellow citizens die.

No lack of work at the moment. Five lessons on Monday and six yesterday. I’m grateful for an easier day today (just two lessons). It’s been a beautiful spring day. I took this snap from the rose garden this afternoon. If you look closely you can even see the moon.

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