
I had a good chat with my brother earlier today. We talked about his long-running course where he has to teach very scary army stuff and be assessed on his teaching ability, and then we chatted about old family photos. He sent me a picture from the VE Day 50th anniversary celebrations in 1995 (26 years ago yesterday, in fact), with our extended family, including my grandparents who’d been there. We were all giving a victory salute. I think that might have been the first time I got slightly drunk.

Thursday and Friday were a bit of a dead loss because I had heel pain which almost stopped me from walking. My shoes were to blame. I tried icing my heel but in the end I figured I just needed to rest it, and now it seems just about back to normal. I hope I can get back on the tennis court next weekend – the benefits of that are enormous.

Just before Orthodox Easter, a woman rang me asking me if I’d consider teaching at her language school. It sounded like the lesson times at the school would clash with my private lessons, but I thought there’d be no harm in meeting her, so we arranged a meeting. Then she called me to say she was going away for the long weekend, so could we meet on Tuesday, then I never heard back from her. That’s all pretty Romanian. When I arrived here I was offered a job at a language school, only for them to un-offer it to me just before I was due to start. Another very Romanian thing is that the new owners of my apartment said they’ll keep my rent the same until 1st May next year, after which they’ll put it up by 50%. Nothing much, just a slight increase. At least they’ve warned me. So that gives me a deadline to find somewhere else.

I’ve lost some students of late, so I’ve just put up a couple more online ads. I’ve also bumped my prices up, but not by 50%.

Poker. I’m going through a bit of a barren run. When that happens, I feel I don’t know anything anymore. How did I ever win? Last night I tried a new game called Big O, which is Omaha hi-lo with five cards instead of four. I first watched a stream from a live Big O game played in San Antonio last November, a few days after the election. Covid was raging in Texas then. Nine men, including the dealer, were huddled around a table, fingering chips and dollar bills that had been god knows where. OK, they were masked, but I wouldn’t have been within a mile of that table. I felt particularly sorry for the dealer who was just doing his job. I then found out that one of the players, a middle-aged bloke, has since died. I don’t know if it was Covid-related. My first go at Big O didn’t go too well – it played nothing like on the stream (people just wanted to gamble) and I was mostly card dead. In a rare bright spot, I had a decent run (and a small cash) in a standard four-card Omaha hi-lo game this morning. I plan to have a crack at a couple of big-field events in the next week, as part of the so-called SCOOP Afterparty. My bankroll is currently $635.

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