Sorting me out

Mum and Dad have just gone for a walk, so I’ll write a quick post now, just before my next lesson. I met them at the airport on Saturday, and since then they’ve been sorting me out. Most of their focus has been on my flat, which I’ve been unmotivated to do much with until now, with the exception of my office which is the only room that anyone else really sees. So we’ve been clearing this place out of much of the lime-green dross that the previous owner left behind, and Mum has been busy recupboarding (if that’s a word) – this place has enough cupboard space for a small army, and I’ve struggled to decide (and remember) what should go where. I knew that my eighties bathroom needed replacing, and my parents have helped me decide on the how and the why. I’ll probably get a plumber in here next week.

In the meantime, we’ve been visiting the markets (as well as the big hardware stores) and I’ve had lessons. This afternoon I’ll be breaking new ground: four siblings – two sets of twins – at the same time. I’ll have to cycle over to the west of the city to see them; in future perhaps they could come to me. Then later I’ve got another new student – a woman – who will have a 90-minute session with me. Four lessons in total today.

My parents fly back to the UK tomorrow evening; they’ll have two weeks in the country before heading back home. My brother wants them to pay him another visit before they leave; Mum is keen to go down there but Dad less so.

When the whole world seems to be going to the dogs, I try to find crumbs of comfort. Bolsonaro’s narrow defeat last week was most welcome. Victory, we can only hope, for actually giving a shit. Overnight the Republicans fell short of expectations in the midterm elections. They’ll probably take the House but maaaybe the Democrats will cling on to the Senate. That would be a result considering the 40-year-high inflation rate and near-record gas prices, and Republicans’ structural advantages in all branches of American politics. In particular, Trumpy Republicans did worse than less Trumpy ones. A rough night for the orange turd.

All in all, it’s been great having my parents here. I’ll write again at the weekend.

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