Coming back, I hope

Maybe my five-day ordeal is coming to an end. I had three lessons today, and one of them was literally painful – I had to move from my desk to the couch, which I can when it’s online – but I managed. Just yesterday I was worried out of my skin. I’d become so tired and weak and my whole existence had taken on a metallic tinge. I was scared I might nosedive like I did in 2001. In the evening I decided to see the doctor – it was a Tuesday, so I knew he’d be there. My walk there was slow, and I stared for a while at a “lost dog” notice. When it was my turn to see him, instead of taking me into his room I was shunted into a corner of the waiting room where I attempted to tell him what was wrong. (I’d prepared to tell him the details in Romanian, but this threw me.) “Wait here, and you’ll have a Covid test.” I waited for an hour until ten, then thought bugger this, I need to sleep and I’m pretty sure I haven’t got Covid symptoms, so I gave up and went home.

I’m now trying to stay off the internet as much as I can (which with my work isn’t a lot). I know the TV is depressing right now with everything brewing in Ukraine, but the internet is something else.

Tomorrow I have five lessons, so that’ll be a test.

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