This isn’t going away

After I wrote that last post, I had a horrific night. I woke at 12:30 in agony, and couldn’t sleep for hours. I woke up from my short sleep to see that everything had kicked off in Ukraine. It’s now day eight and the pain has moved from my lower stomach to my groin. I have the symptoms of kidney stones, but it might not be that. I did manage to see the doctor this morning. I nearly took a taxi, but in the end walked, slowly. I pressed the button on the door, and the doctor – not my normal doctor but another man in his fifties – let me in. His nurse and the cleaner were there, but no other patients. Great. I lay down on the bed. Does it hurt here? What about here? And why are you so tense? (I’m on my own, in pain, and have been for over a week. And I’m having to explain myself in a foreign language. Tension would seem utterly logical.) He prescribed me some pills to reduce the pain, counteract all my gas, and improve the flow of my pee (which seems fine anyway). Then he told me to get an abdominal ultrasound, which I hope I’ll have early next week.

Since I last wrote, I’ve been reading, watching the terrible news coming from our European neighbour, and struggling to cope with lessons. There is some better news though, which I’ll talk about next time.

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