This is a marathon, not a sprint

It’s 9:15 on a Sunday morning; we’ve just put our clocks forward an hour. Here in the west of Romania, clock time is already some way ahead of solar time even without the benefit of daylight savings, so we can look forward to some long evenings. Tonight it won’t get dark till around eight. Half-marathon runners are now streaming outside my window to the sound of whistles from spectators as well as chanting from the cathedral and clattering trams. After a week of stunning weather, with temperatures reaching the mid-twenties, it’s an overcast morning and the wind is picking up. An Easter market has started up in the square. This year is unusual in that Eastern Orthodox Easter falls on the same day as Western Easter.

I had a slightly frustrating week on the work front: 11 hours when I’d hoped for 14. I still need to find more students. My website, mainly for promoting Skype lessons, is up and running, but promoting it is no easy task. I still need to get business cards printed. And I may have no choice but to risk putting up some more ads.

I still need to meet more people. That’s probably my biggest challenge right now. My tennis-playing friend seems to have lost interest in me. And there are still parts of this city I’ve yet to see: the green forest and zoo, the Banat museum, the Communism museum, and one or two others. This afternoon I might try one of the purple bikes that are stationed around the city. For some reason I thought they were expensive but they’re actually free for under an hour.

I’ve booked my flights to London. I leave on 11th April and return on Easter Sunday, the 16th.

Donald Trump’s attempt to jettison Obamacare and replace it with … what? … failed miserably and for that I’m glad.

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