Some pictures from around the motu

It’s quite cold around the motu today and I’ve finally been to the wharepaku – what a relief that was. I hope my command of Te Reo can attain a solid B2 level by the time I leave. This morning I went with Dad into Peel Forest and down the Rangitata – he was out of things to paint. There was less snow on the Four Peaks than we expected. The road became icy though, so we turned around.

Yesterday we saw my aunt and uncle who visited Timișoara five years ago, and also dropped in my aunt – the third and last wife of my uncle who died in 2014. This morning one of my many cousins popped in briefly on the way to the airport in Timaru. I hadn’t seen her for a decade or more.

Loud drilling is taking place as I write this.

Sixto Rodriguez, star of the wonderful film Searching for Sugar Man, has died at the age of 81.

Mum and Dad’s place

People playing croquet in Geraldine Domain

A sadly deceased monarch butterfly

The Orari River

The church at Peel Forest

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